Repair Mortar (40MPa) Grade 40 polymer modified cementitious mortar for spalling repair and patching up work of concrete in exterior and interior conditions. Catalogue Download

Repair Mortar (40MPa) Grade 40 polymer modified cementitious mortar for spalling repair and patching up work of concrete in exterior and interior conditions. Catalogue Download
Repair Mortar (25MPa) Grade 25 polymer modified cementitious mortar for spalling repair and patching up work of concrete in exterior and interior conditions. Catalogue Download
Pre-batched Concrete: Factory pre-batched concrete with cementitious materials, coarse & fine aggregates and properties enhancement additives designed for different workabilities and various concrete grade up to C60 with or without early strength requirements. Catalogue Download
Pre-batched Light-weight Concrete: Proprietary pre-batched lightweight concrete offers a wide range of selection indensity and compressive strength talior-made for different applications. Catalogue Download
Polymer Modified Mortar (25MPa) : General purpose Grade 25 polymer modified cementitious mortar for spalling repair and patching up work of concrete in exterior and interior conditions. Catalogue Download
Polymer Modified Mortar (40MPa) : General purpose Grade 40 polymer modified cementitious mortar for spalling repair and patching up work of concrete in exterior and interior conditions. Catalogue Download
Polymer Modified Mortar (60MPa) : General purpose Grade 60 polymer modified cementitious mortar for spalling repair and patching up work of concrete in exterior and interior conditions. Catalogue Download
Non-shrink Grout : General purpose shrinkage compensated cementitious grouting material with superior flowability, high compressive strength and non-shrink properties. Catalogue Download
Non-shrink Grout : General purpose shrinkage compensated cementitious grouting material with superior flowability, ultra high compressive strength and non-shrink properties. Catalogue Download
Non-shrink Grout – Early Strength : Fast set high early strength shrinkage compensated cementitious grouting material with superior flowability and compressive strength. Catalogue Download